Shell ain’t a bad place to FP: p

Shell ain’t a bad place to FP: part 2/N: Functions as Unix Tools
Shell ain’t a bad place to FP: part 2/N: Functions as Unix Tools
As we saw in the previous post, functions obey stdio and we can mix and match them with built-ins (grep, sed, cat etc.) and other installed tools (like jq, pandoc, babashka etc.). We used functions to name parts of Douglas McIlroy’s pipeline and mess around a bit.


Update Cloudflare DNS ‘A’ records for your dynamic IP. is configured using a TOML file located in /etc/d2c/d2c.toml. The first time you run from the command-line, it will create the config directory for you. You still have to manually create the TOML configuration file.

Amber The Programming Language

Amber The Programming Language
Amber The Programming Language
You will find many of the language features familiar, allowing you to get up and running much faster than if you were learning Bash from scratch. It’s one of the key components missing from regular shell scripts. It can help you catch many bugs at compile time.