CLI User Experience Case Study: Topiary
Command line interface (CLI) tools have a reputation for being difficult to use. Simplicity: Common tasks should be easy to perform. This is often not the case, but worse is when tasks can be tweaked in myriad ways, leading to a combinatorial explosion of flags, options and modifiers.
Stream to chromecast with resolv
Stream to chromecast with resolved, vlc and bash
Chromecast is one of those devices I just generally use a lot. They are small practical and enables me to stream video or music to my TV from multiple devices. But it also requires you to have a supported browser or video player. This is obviously a bit boring.
Useful utilities and toys over DNS
Useful utilities and toys over DNS
Copy and run the below commands to try it out. Pass city names without spaces suffixed with .time. Pass two letter country codes optionally.
- dig mumbai.time
- dig
- dig 50CAD-AUD.fx
- dig 1-100.rand
App is a cross-platform package management wrapper written in Go that remembers all the additional packages a user installs on a machine beyond the base installation so that all the same packages can be automatically reinstalled on another machine with one command. It also provides the same command line interface across different distros/OS’s and package managers so you don’t have to remember the various syntax across different OS’s and package managers. Last but not least, it allows users to upgrade all software packages installed on a system with a user defined set of package managers (ex. apt, flatpak, and AppImage) via a single command.
Exploring Bash Scripting: Understanding Key Flags
Exploring Bash Scripting: Understanding Key Flags
Bash scripting is a powerful and versatile tool that empowers users to automate tasks and streamline operations within a Unix-like environment. One crucial aspect of Bash scripting is the utilization of “flags” or command-line options, which enhance the script’s flexibility and adaptability.
I initially created ht as a simple experiment to test GPT-3.5-Turbo’s usefulness with shell commands. However, I now find myself using it extensively in my daily tasks. So I’m sharing it with the hope that it can benefit others in the same way. ht is written in Dart.
Tbmk – Terminal bookmarker A commands bookmark for terminal Worked on Linux bash Linux zsh How to install Download built file on release page Extract the file. e.g. /somepath/tbmk Run cd /somepath/tbmk Run ./install (don’t install by execute absolute-path/install), it will appends keybinding to ~/.
Show HN: Hucksh – A Shell with a
Show HN: Hucksh – A Shell with a Very Good Memory
I took a look at my shell history and a frequent pattern of commands was “cd, ls, cd, ls, …”. And I thought “I love my keyboard, but you know, point and click might be nice in this context.”
JC is an Ansible filter plugin in the community.general collection! See this for an example. jc JSONifies the output of many CLI tools and file-types for easier parsing in scripts. See the Parsers section for supported commands and file-types.
Command Line Interface Guideline
Command Line Interface Guidelines
An open-source guide to help you write better command-line programs, taking traditional UNIX principles and updating them for the modern day. Aanand Prasad Engineer at Squarespace, co-creator of Docker Compose. @aanandprasad