Cloning Windows Recall in 30 Lines of Bash
This is mostly a demonstration of what Windows Recall actually seems to do under the hood, and is not meant to be seriously used. When called with –daemon it will handle the screenshotting/OCR analysis, and when called with anything else it is interpreted as a ripgrep search.
Category: Links
Amber The Programming Language
Amber The Programming Language
You will find many of the language features familiar, allowing you to get up and running much faster than if you were learning Bash from scratch. It’s one of the key components missing from regular shell scripts. It can help you catch many bugs at compile time.
JSON command-line toolbox (jq, g
JSON command-line toolbox (jq, gron, jc, etc)
The JSON format is the backbone of current Internet protocols and APIs, and this article contains a list of tools to make a better use of it from the command-line, without the need of writing complex programs to read, search, parse, transform and transmit JSON data.
— ―Bash Line Editor― ―Bash Line Editor―
Bash Line Editor ( is a command line editor written in pure Bash which replaces the default GNU Readline. Current devel version is 0.4. This script supports Bash 3.0 or higher although we recommend to use with release versions of Bash 4.0 or higher.
Inspired by Docker’s layer build output.
The scripts need a file as first argument which will be source. The file will need a function named runner, which will be run on each request Well there’s a little problem… since accept doesn’t close the connection (Or i’m doing something wrong), the connection will go into TIME_WAIT.
Starship: Cross-Shell Prompt
Starship: Cross-Shell Prompt
Works on the most common shells on the most common operating systems. Use it everywhere! Brings the best-in-class speed and safety of Rust, to make your prompt as quick and reliable as possible.
runs multiple inputs through a script/function in parallel using bash coprocs – GitHub – jkool702/forkrun: runs multiple inputs through a script/function in parallel using bash coprocs
Shelly: Write Terminal Commands in English
Shelly is a powerful tool that translates English into commands that can be seamlessly executed in your terminal. You won’t have to remember exact commands anymore.
CLI User Experience Case Study:
CLI User Experience Case Study: Topiary
Command line interface (CLI) tools have a reputation for being difficult to use. Simplicity: Common tasks should be easy to perform. This is often not the case, but worse is when tasks can be tweaked in myriad ways, leading to a combinatorial explosion of flags, options and modifiers.