xsv is a command line program for indexing, slicing, analyzing, splitting and joining CSV files. Commands should be simple, fast and composable: Simple tasks should be easy. Performance trade offs should be exposed in the CLI interface. Composition should not come at the expense of performance.
Introducing the Rich CLI Tool :
Introducing the Rich CLI Tool : Viewing Files in the Terminal Will Never be the Same Again!
Now you can go beyond pimping your terminal with iTerm2 and oh-my-zsh. Rich CLI will allow you to add a whole new dimension to how you can view files on the command line.
fx — a workspace tool manager
fx — a workspace tool manager
fx is a command line tool (CLI) that hosts and manages other CLIs. It takes care of the tedious parts of CLIs like argument parsing, validation, help/man pages and updates. fx has dynamic subcommands based on its current directory — these subcommands are created by you, the user.
bkt is a subprocess caching utility written in Rust, inspired by . Wrapping expensive process invocations with bkt allows callers to reuse recent invocations without complicating their application logic.
A shell command to create JSON:
A shell command to create JSON: jo
It gets merrier if an element contains an environment variable: open double, close single, add variable, open single, blergh. Bam! Jo tries to be clever about types and knows null, booleans, strings and numbers. It does arrays, and it pretty-prints on demand:
Wordle in less than 50 lines of
Wordle in less than 50 lines of Bash
How to use: ./wordle.sh Or try the unlimit mode: ./wordle.
toolbox – A module framework for
toolbox – A module framework for Bash
Have you ever written a shell script and found yourself thinking “if only the Bash had an include mechanism”, while copy-pasting the command line parser you wrote for a different shell script? Then you should try toolbox for your next shell script!
dave yarwood · 10 Bash quirks an
dave yarwood · 10 Bash quirks and how to live with them
It’s a quirky little language with many subtleties that make it all too easy to make mistakes.
e – a smart wrapper for $EDITOR
e – a smart wrapper for $EDITOR
e(1) is a smart wrapper for $EDITOR written in Bourne shell. It enhances any editor with some user friendly features described below. The command (or command line) wrapped around and invoked by this wrapper.
More shell, less egg
More shell, less egg
My TextExpander/shell script post of last week reminded me of Doug McIlroy and some unfinished business from back in October. So let’s talk about shell scripts and Unix again.