Read XKCD in the terminal with s

Read XKCD in the terminal with some bash magic
Read XKCD in the terminal with some bash magic
XKCD is probably the most popular webcomic with Devs. It only seems right that you can read it from the comfort of your terminal via a xkcd command. How can we pull that off? I use Kitty as my terminal of choice. It is fast, feature-rich, and is cross-platform (Linux and macOS).

What’s so special about PS1? Fun

What’s so special about PS1? Fun with customizing Bash command prompts
What’s so special about PS1? Fun with customizing Bash command prompts
Long ago, when I was still a console newbie, I copied my friend’s bash configuration file. It had all the necessary stuff already included – aliases, colors, and most importantly: a nice prompt setup. I used it on all machines I had access to due to all the extra context it provided.


queer/utt: utt is the universal text transformer
utt utt is the universal text transformer. utt is intended for converting between textual data representations. For example, utt can be used to convert from JSON to YAML: $ echo “[1, 2, 3]” | utt -i json -o yaml — – 1 – 2 – 3 $ Formats may be supported for input-only or output-only.

5 Modern Bash Scripting Techniqu

5 Modern Bash Scripting Techniques That Only A Few Programmers Know
Programmers often create shell scripts with the Bash command language to automate manual tasks. For example, they create Bash scripts for various configurations, file manipulations, generating build artifacts, and various DevOps-related activities.