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Author: pforret
Bashupload.com / upload files from command line
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holman/dotfiles: @holman does dotfiles
Your dotfiles are how you personalize your system. These are mine. I was a little tired of having long alias files and everything strewn about (which is extremely common on other dotfiles projects, too). That led to this project being much more topic-centric.
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Bash-it/bash-it: A community Bash framework.
Bash-it is a collection of community Bash commands and scripts for Bash 3.2+. (And a shameless ripoff of oh-my-zsh 😃) Includes autocompletion, themes, aliases, custom functions, a few stolen pieces from Steve Losh, and more.
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Bash: Random numbers for fun and profit
bash has many things that just works automagically. Did you know it has a built-in pseudorandom number generator? Let’s play games! Before continuing, note that this is pseudo-randomization with a small footprint.
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alebcay/awesome-shell: A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, t
MySQL Back-up: Take a mysqldump with each database in its own SQL File
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