Collections of very useful Bash Functions
I use Bash a lot working with applications, systems, containers or networks, mgmt & integration.
I’ve found and frequently use a few *really usef
Collections of very useful Bash Functions
I use Bash a lot working with applications, systems, containers or networks, mgmt & integration.
I’ve found and frequently use a few *really usef
Hold a Healthy Sense of Caution Whenever Running a curl|bash Command
If you’re anything like me, it took a long time (maybe years) to even ask what that sort of command is even doing. It’s not much: curl retrieves a response and immediately feeds it to bash to execute on your machine. It’s simple, flexible, and powerful.
This is a small bash library called command_runner. It can run a list of commands in a script and report the results. In comparison to using a plain bash script you have a better control over execution and printing.
The purpose of ets is similar to that of moreutils ts(1), but ets differentiates itself from similar offerings by running commands directly within ptys, hence solving thorny issues like pipe buffering and commands disabling color and interactive features when detecting a pipe as output.
wolfenstein-in-bash.mp4 more screenshots/vidoes at https://imgur.
Consistent dependency management across any project
Codify is currently in Beta! Please report any bugs here Consistent dependency management across any project Get new developers setup faster by installing dependencies and configure applications in a stable and reproducible manner Get Codify View Docs [ { “type”: “nvm”, “global”: “20”, “nodeVersions
The Biggest Shell Programs in the World
The Biggest Shell Programs in the World Hand-written shell scripts. There are many big autoconf-generated scripts, like the 70K-line coreutils script, but I don’t consider them substantial in this sense. Shell programs that use data structures and algorithms.
What is it? Installation Using git Using subversion Using curl Using wget Portable on Windows Usage Customization Directory-scoped Environment Variables and Aliases Efficiently navigating the filesystem Using bash-funk modules separately Updating License bash-funk is a collection of useful command
Using {} to Construct Command Line Arguments
When working on the command line, we often encounter scenarios where we need to perform operations on multiple argument entries, with file names being one of the most common cases. To handle this situation, both Bash and Zsh provide comma-separated curly brace lists, such as: